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Characteristics of Effective Leaders

Defining yourself as a leader does not have to be solely a work-related title. Are you a leader at home? Is there leadership responsibility where you volunteer? Think about what you do in your community or religious affiliation. Do you identify as a leader within those areas? Perhaps you own your business, have a home-based business or are involved in an MLM. Leadership opportunities are vast.

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

Efficient and effective leaders throughout history have had a few common characteristics. These can be applied within your life also.

Leaders have Communication Skills

Communication matters and lack of communication is a huge downfall in relationships at home and at work. Communication is more than talking. It also involves listening and being open to understanding other points of view. A good leader values what others say. Communication may be the most important characteristic of leadership. A popular quote reaffirms this: The art of communication is the language of leadership.


Leaders should care about people. Good leaders actively mentor, inspire, serve, empower, and care for others. No matter what kind of leader you are, caring is crucial.

Leaders Know Their Stuff

Leaders should be competent. They really need to know or know how to find out information. Leadership also requires to understand relationships and helping others be knowledgeable and capable, so the goals can be reached.

Character Counts

Leaders should have character and possess good qualities. Great leaders are honest, responsible, respectful, selfless, and strong. Leadership is character in action.

Be Strong

Lastly, leaders should be courageous and strong. The easy way is to follow; the hard way is to stand tall and lead.

Being a leader with good leadership skills is more an action than a title. Are you ready to take the leader role?

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