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Tips for Healthy Eating Out: Part 1

I eat out at least one time per week.  It’s my well-deserved little break from the kitchen, and I look forward to it.  I used to dread going out to eat because I would always leave the restaurant feeling overstuffed and defeated with regard to my health and fitness goals.  Nowadays, I go in armed with a plan for success.

Here are my top tips when eating out:

? PLAN ahead for that meal out.  Look up the menu online before you go so you have an idea of what you’re going to order which, in turn, will help you determine what to eat for the rest of the day.

? Have a healthy snack before you goA piece of string cheese or a small handful of raw nuts will do wonders in helping you avoid impulse ordering and overeating.

? Take the lead on orderingOrder first!  TRUST me here.  Don’t allow yourself wiggle room to be influenced by what others order.  Place your order and pay no mind to what others order after you.  Heck, you just might have a positive influence on what everyone else at your table orders!

? Customize your order–do NOT be shy about this!  Who cares if you sound like Sally from the movie When Harry Met Sally?  It’s your body and you control what you fuel it with.  Premium gas only for your Ferrari people!!

? Stay away from items with descriptions such as smothered in ____, cheesy, crispy (translation: fried), creamy, etc.  These are loaded with fat–and not the healthy kind!

? Drink water with lemon before and during your meal.  This will help you feel full and provide much-needed hydration for your body.

? Start off your meal with a side saladFill up with some greens before your entrée arrives.  You’ll be fueling your body with filling fiber and plenty of vitamins and minerals.  Make sure to ask for the dressing on the side or, better yet, opt for olive oil and vinegar.

? Eat mindfullyPay attention to your food!  Slow down and enjoy every bite; focus on the aroma of the food, the textures, and the flavors.  This helps prevent overeating.

? Order a bunch of sides instead of an entree.  Built-in portion control right there.

? Go for the nibble. Life and food is meant to be enjoyed and I believe in balance.  So, if you want to steal a French fry from your friend’s plate, go for it (just make sure you ask first).  LOL!  Those nibbles here and there do add up, so just make sure you account for it and that that one fry doesn’t turn into 10.

Put these tips into effect, and you’ll be well on your way to FUELing UP for a FIT LIFE even when eating out!


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